Prime Day isn’t over. Here are the Alexa-only deals you can still get (Expired)

Prime day may have come and gone for most, but there are still some really good deals if you use an Alexa device to order. The Alexa only deals will last through today (July 18).

Huge discounts are still available on Echo devices, iRobot, Phillips Hue and more.

Click here to see the Prime Day deals you can still get when you order with an Alexa device such as any Echo device, Amazon Tap, Fire TV, Dash Wand, or Fire Tablets. These deals are not available through the Amazon App.

Just say “Alexa, order a Vitamix Professional-Grade Blender”  or “Alexa, order an Amazon Cloud Cam” for example.

Brad Parker: Hi, my name's Brad Parker and I'm a software engineer by trade, with more than 20 years of experience in developing software and websites. I've got an incredible wife and two rambunctious boys under 3 years old. All of them are getting used to my experiments with smart devices, voice assistants, and home automation. Growing up surrounded by the Internet of Things, my boys will never think it's surprising that you can just say "OK Google, Good Night" and the garage will close, doors lock, and the lights turn off. They'll only know that as long as they can remember, whenever they first walk into the kitchen in the morning, the lights will turn on dimly and they'll hear the weather and a recap of yesterday's news. That's what seamless smart home automation is about, and it's why I created Upgrade Your Space.
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