Calling one scene from another scene in Vera

There are many times that you might want to chain scenes together in Vera. It can be useful to call one scene from another rather than setting up triggers for each or having many very complex scenes. The Vera UI doesn’t make this an obvious task, but it can be accomplished simply with just a slight bit of luup code.

How to call one scene from another in Vera

These instructions explain how to chain two scenes together. We’ll call the first scene the parent scene, and the second one the child. The child is the scene that will be called automatically whenever the parent scene is executed. These instructions assume both scenes have already been created.

From the Vera dashboard, click “Scenes.” Find the child scene that you want to be triggered and make note of the scene id number. You will substitute this below where you see .

Now find the parent scene in the scenes list. Click the edit icon (the pencil in the “Modify” column), then click the arrow next to “Also, execute the following Luup code:”

Enter the following code, substituting the ID you identified in place of <scene id>.

local sceneId = "<scene id>"
luup.call_action("urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1", "RunScene", {SceneNum = sceneId}, 0)

Click “Save lua.” Then, click “Finish” to save your scene.